Data and Reproducibility 

ALFIQH Islamic Law Review Journal is committed to promoting transparency and scientific rigor in scholarly research. This policy outlines the journal’s approach to data availability and encourages the use of reporting guidelines as well as the registration of clinical trials and other study designs according to standard practices in the relevant discipline, where applicable. The journal adheres to the Core Practices outlined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Data Availability

ALFIQH Islamic Law Review Journal encourages authors to make all data underlying their research findings fully available and accessible to readers. Authors should provide detailed information about the data collection process, methodology, and analysis to allow for the reproducibility and verification of results. In certain cases, the ALFIQH Islamic Law Review Journal may request access to raw data if necessary.

For Quantitative Research:

Authors should deposit datasets in reputable data repositories or provide a link to the data in the article. If the data cannot be made publicly available due to ethical or legal constraints, authors should clearly explain the reasons and provide a mechanism for ALFIQH Islamic Law Review Journal and its readers to request access to the data.

For Qualitative Research:

Authors should provide detailed descriptions of the data sources and the methods used in their research. They are also encouraged to provide excerpts or representative examples of data to support their research findings.

Reporting Guidelines

ALFIQH Islamic Law Review Journal encourages authors to adhere to relevant reporting guidelines specific to their study design. Following these guidelines enhances the clarity and completeness of research reporting, making it easier for readers, reviewers, and editors to evaluate the research and facilitate the reproducibility of the study.

Clinical Trial Registration

For clinical trials and other study designs involving human participants, authors should register their studies in appropriate clinical trial registries before participant enrollment. ALFIQH Islamic Law Review Journal follows the principles of the World Health Organization (WHO) International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP). It supports the registration of clinical trials by international standards.

Reproducibility and Verification

ALFIQH Islamic Law Review Journal values the importance of reproducibility in research. Authors should provide sufficient details in their manuscripts, including the methodology, protocols, and analytical approaches, to enable other researchers to reproduce their study findings.

Data Citation

Authors should properly cite the datasets and sources used in their research to give appropriate credit and facilitate data attribution. Data citations should be included in the reference list following standard citation formats.

Compliance Check

The editorial board and peer reviewers of the ALFIQH Islamic Law Review Journal will assess adherence to this data and reproducibility policy during the manuscript evaluation process. Authors may be asked to provide additional information or clarifications regarding data availability and reporting guidelines.

Policy Review

ALFIQH Islamic Law Review Journal will periodically review and update this policy to align with evolving best practices in data sharing, reporting, and reproducibility. Any revisions to this policy will be communicated to authors and made publicly available on the journal’s website.