Copyright Transfer Agreement

1. Agreement Overview

To facilitate the publication and distribution of research articles, ALFIQH Islamic Law Review Journal (ALFIQH) requires transferring certain copyright rights from authors to the journal. This agreement outlines the copyright transfer terms while preserving the authors' significant rights to use and share their published work.

2. Copyright Transfer

By submitting a manuscript to ALFIQH, authors agree to transfer the copyright to publish their article in the journal upon acceptance. This transfer grants ALFIQH the exclusive right to publish, distribute, and display the article in print and digital formats.

3. Author Rights

Despite the transfer of copyright, authors retain significant rights to their work. Specifically, authors are permitted to:

  • Use the article for lectures, presentations, or conferences, and distribute copies to participants.
  • Distribute copies of the article to colleagues for research purposes.
  • Include the article in compilations of their subsequent work.
  • Incorporate the article into their thesis or dissertation.
  • Reuse sections or excerpts from the article in other works, provided the final published article is fully acknowledged.
  • Prepare derivative works (excluding commercial purposes) based on the article, with appropriate acknowledgment of the original publication.
  • Post the article on open-access websites operated by themselves or their institutions for scientific purposes.

4. Permissions and Use

Authors can use their work for teaching and scientific purposes without requiring additional permission from ALFIQH. The rights retained by authors ensure that they can maximize the impact and dissemination of their research across various platforms.

5. Agreement Confirmation

Upon acceptance of an article for publication, authors will receive an email requesting the completion of the Copyright Transfer Agreement. Authors must download, complete, and return the Copyright Transfer Agreement to finalize the transfer of publishing rights.

6. Additional Information

For any inquiries regarding the Copyright Transfer Agreement or the use of published articles, please contact the ALFIQH editorial office.