Legal Protection of Whistle Blower and Justice Collaborator Against Corruption in Indonesia


  • Sri Hudiarini Politeknik Negeri Malang
  • Khrisna Hadiwinata Politeknik Negeri Malang
  • Abdul Chalim Politeknik Negeri Malang
  • Shohib Muslim Politeknik Negeri Malang


legal protection, whistleblower, justice collaborator, corruption


Indonesia's corruption phenomenon, categorized as extra ordinary crime, is a serious issue due to various challenges and lack of clear regulations regarding whistleblowers. This research proposes to refine the normative about local rules and customs that pertain regulation related about protection of witness and victims. This research used normative approach, with the methods of statue, legislation and conceptual. It is one of the requirements that there is very little whistleblowers and its justice collaborator and find refuge to fulfill the provisions of article of 29 law no.13 years 2006 about the protection of witness and victim agency, the power of proof in the form of would have to fulfill the provisions of article of 160 verse (3) KUHAP , article 1 as many points right away (27) KUHAP , article 185 verse (1) , article 183 KUHAP, while the role of and responsibilities of witness and victims (see the provisions of article 12 and article 13 legislation of witness and victims) that soon after the law . That there is whistleblowers and its justice collaborator receive their rights (see the provisions of article of that soon after the law 5 of legislation of witness and victims).


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How to Cite

Hudiarini, S., Hadiwinata, K., Chalim, A., & Muslim, S. (2023). Legal Protection of Whistle Blower and Justice Collaborator Against Corruption in Indonesia. Justice! Law Review Journal, 2(02), 101–113. Retrieved from

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